AOH Allegheny County Board
Thomas P. O'Malley
Memorial Scholarship Award
The Ancient Order of Hibernians Allegheny County Board has announced that applications are now being accepted for the AOH Allegheny County Board Thomas P. O’Malley Memorial Scholarship Award for 2023.
Specifics can be found in the application but Scholarship nominees must be sons, daughters or grandchildren of an active or deceased AOH member or an active AOH member already accepted for education post High School.
Applications may be submitted via email or mail delivery and will be accepted until 5:00 PM on Sunday April 30, 2023 by the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, Bob Kelly, Vice President AOH Allegheny County Board at the following address:
1014 Stratmore Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
Phone: 412-580-1351
Email: (Please put AOH Scholarship Award in the Subject line)
2021 Scholarship Recipient
Congratulations to MacKenzie Ridge – daughter of Dan and Brydie Ridge – on winning the 2021 Thomas P. O'Malley AOH Allegheny County Board Scholarship. Dan is a member of AOH Division #1. MacKenzie plans to attend the University of North Carolina in the fall, majoring in Political Science and Pre Law.