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Hibernian Hunger Project

The Brothers of the Ancient Order of Hibernians volunteer each month at the Pittsburgh Foodbank's PRODUCE TO PEOPLE held at the Braddock "Blazing Bingo" Firehall.
February 6th, 2016
Divisions 1, 4 & 17 participated.
Approx. 600 families received approximately 20,000lbs of food.
- Apples, Onions, Potatoes, Carrots, Oranges, Juice, Frozen Fish, Bananas, Cabbages, Nutri-Grain Bars.
The NEXT Produce To People will be Sat March 12th. Same day as the St. Patrick's Day Parade.
So, the AOH will be volunteering at the FOLLOWING Produce To People on Sat Apil 2nd.

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